Dark circles under the eyes can be a persistent issue. They give a tired appearance and often affect self-esteem. Many seek solutions to this problem but find that typical over-the-counter remedies fail to deliver lasting results. 

Understanding the complexities of the skin and the specific causes of dark circles is essential to treating them effectively. In this article, we explore professional treatments that target the appearance of dark circles and address the underlying factors contributing to them.

Understanding Dark Circles – Causes and Impact

Dark circles under the eyes are not just about tiredness; various factors, including genetics, age, skin tone, and lifestyle influence them. 

The skin under the eyes is the thinnest on the body, which makes it more susceptible to showing signs of stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, and even diet. As we age, the skin becomes thinner and loses collagen, making the reddish-blue blood vessels more apparent. Additionally, puffiness or swelling—often called eye bags—can cast shadows that appear as dark circles.

External factors like prolonged exposure to screens, sun damage, and smoking can exacerbate the appearance of dark circles. For those who suffer from allergies or sinus problems, the constant inflammation and rubbing of the eyes can also contribute to darker pigmentation in the area.

Understanding why dark circles occur is the first step towards effectively addressing them. While temporary fixes might mask the problem, a professional approach to the root causes can provide more sustainable results. In the upcoming sections, we delve into several advanced treatments that promise to reduce the appearance of dark circles and offer long-term improvement.

Professional Treatments for Dark Circles

While understanding the underlying causes of dark circles is important, selecting the right treatment is equally important for effective results. Several advanced dermatological treatments are designed to target specific aspects of under-eye discolouration and tissue degradation.

These treatments are chosen based on their ability to provide significant improvements through scientifically proven methods.

Skin-lightening Cream

Skin-lightening creams, formulated with active ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, or vitamin C, are commonly prescribed to diminish hyperpigmentation under the eyes. 

These creams inhibit enzymes responsible for melanin production, gradually fading dark patches. Recommended primarily for dark circles caused by excess melanin, these creams are ideal for people who seek a non-invasive solution with minimal downtime.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy employs precise wavelengths of light to target and break down pigmentation and stimulate collagen renewal in the delicate under-eye area. 

This dual action not only reduces the visibility of dark circles but also improves skin texture and firmness. Effective for vascular dark circles where the problem is pigmentation and wrinkly, dull skin, laser therapy is recommended for its fast results and ability to adjust to different skin types and conditions.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the under-eye area, which causes the old, pigmented skin to peel off, revealing newer, lighter skin beneath. 

This treatment is particularly beneficial for dark circles caused by fine lines, sun damage, or mild pigmentation. Chemical peels can vary in depth from light to deep, depending on the specific needs of the patient.

They help in enhancing skin texture and tone, reducing the appearance of dark circles by promoting the regeneration of fresh skin.


Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from around the eyes, thereby reducing bagginess and improving the appearance of under-eye shadows. 

This treatment is ideal for patients who have significant sagging or puffiness contributing to their dark circles. Blepharoplasty can provide a more permanent solution compared to other treatments, making it suitable for those with structural issues around the eyes that non-surgical methods cannot address.


Injectable dermal fillers are another effective treatment for dark circles, especially when the cause is structural, such as thinning skin or loss of fat leading to a hollowed appearance under the eyes. 

Fillers, usually composed of hyaluronic acid, are injected into the under-eye area to plump up the skin, reducing shadowing and giving a more youthful appearance. 

This method is quick, with minimal downtime, and can last several months to years, depending on the type of filler used. Fillers are particularly recommended for patients looking for immediate improvements in the appearance of their dark circles.

Why Choose Dermasurge for Your Treatment

At Dermasurge, our commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of our practice.

Led by Dr. Hiba Injibar, whose extensive experience spans over 20 years across multiple continents. Her approach is deeply patient-centric, ensuring that each treatment plan is tailored specifically to the individual’s needs, health background, and aesthetic goals. 

This bespoke, consultant-led methodology ensures that all treatments are performed with the highest standard of care and precision, aimed at delivering not just effective results but also enhancing patient confidence and satisfaction. 

At Dermasurge, we employ the latest in medical technology and techniques, coupled with Dr. Hiba’s expert knowledge in dermatology, to provide a comprehensive treatment regimen for dark circles and other dermatological concerns.


Choosing professional treatments for dark circles under the eyes at Dermasurge means opting for a solution that addresses both the appearance and underlying causes of dark circles.

If you’re ready to see how our bespoke treatments can help rejuvenate your under-eye area, book a consultation with Dr. Hiba at Dermasurge today. Experience personalised care that prioritises your skin’s unique needs.

Frequently asked Questions for Eye Bags

What makes Dermasurge’s approach to treating dark circles unique?

At Dermasurge, the uniqueness of our approach lies in the personalised, detailed assessments conducted by our professional team. Each patient’s treatment plan is tailored not just to alleviate the symptoms but to address the root causes of dark circles, using a combination of advanced technology our extensive dermatological expertise.

How long do the results of these treatments last?

The duration of results can vary depending on the treatment. Non-surgical options like fillers can last from 6 to 18 months, while surgical solutions such as blepharoplasty can have longer-lasting effects and potentially permanent improvements.

Regular follow-up treatments and a good skin care regimen can extend the duration of most non-surgical treatments.

Are there any side effects associated with these treatments?

Like any medical procedure, treatments for dark circles can have potential side effects. Common ones include temporary bruising, swelling, redness, and sensitivity to light. However, these are typically minor and resolve within a few days. Serious side effects are rare, especially when a certified dermatologist conducts treatments like Dr. Hiba.

How many sessions are needed for visible improvement?

The number of sessions required can vary based on the chosen treatment and the individual’s specific condition. Typically, treatments like laser therapy may require 2-4 sessions, while chemical peels might need multiple sessions spaced a few weeks apart for optimal results.

Can these treatments be combined for better results?

Yes, combining treatments often leads to better results. For example, fillers can be used in conjunction with laser therapy to address both volume loss and pigmentation issues simultaneously. Dr. Hiba will evaluate your specific needs to recommend the best combination of treatments for your dark circles.